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What is learning?

Learning is the relatively permanent change in a person’s knowledge or behaviour due to experience. This definition has three components:

  • The duration of the change is long-term rather than short-term
  • The locus of the change is the content and structure of knowledge in memory or the behaviour of the learner
  • The cause of the change is the learner’s experience in the environment

From Learning in Encyclopedia of Educational Research, Richard E. Mayer

The change in the learner may happen at the level of knowledge, attitude, or behaviour. As a result of learning, learners come to see concepts, ideas, and/or the world differently. At Woodside, we recognise that learning is a complex process that involves the whole child. It requires that our class teachers and support staff create a positive climate for learning, have a good knowledge of subjects taught, understand how children learn and recognise any existing barriers to learning.  We also understand that our pupils need to be ready to learn in order to benefit fully for teaching and learning opportunities provided by the school.

Every pupil at Woodside Junior School has the right to learn in an environment that is free from disruption, where all pupils can learn, and all teachers can teach.

Core values and principles for teaching and learning at Woodside School

We will ensure that every child succeeds by:

  • Providing an inclusive education within a culture of support and high expectations.
  • Ensuring that every child feels valued and secure, regardless of ability.
  • Raising aspirations and achievement.
  • Working collaboratively with parents and carers and developing positive and supportive relationship between home and school learning.

We will build upon what learners already know by:

  • Having a clearly structured curriculum and well-paced teaching.
  • Having a clear progression of knowledge and skills.
  • Making each learning experience a positive one.
  • Planning and delivering carefully sequenced lessons
  • Ensuring that our pupils, over time, 'know more and remember more.'

We will make learning vivid and real by:

  • Developing understanding through enquiry, creativity, new technology and thinking skills.
  • Making learning relevant and purposeful for each pupil.

We will make learning an enjoyable and challenging experience by:

  • Stimulating learning thus ensuring teaching techniques and strategies adapt to the needs of all pupils.
  • Making creative use of a range of learning opportunities.

We will enrich the learning experience by:

  • Creating an effective and engaging environment for learning
  • Infusing learning skills across a broad curriculum
  • Using a variety of learning experiences and our school environment
  • Fostering inquisitive minds to inspire creativity and imagination.

We will promote assessment of learning by:

  • Making children active partners in their learning
  • Sharing learning intentions
  • Encouraging reflection and evaluation
  • Providing feedback which identifies next steps in learning for improvement.
  • Providing opportunities for retrieval.

Please click here for our principles of teaching and learning at Woodside.