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More Able and Talented

Definition of more able and talented pupils 

At Woodside Junior School, our aim is to provide excellent teaching and an outstanding learning experience for all our pupils.  However, we also recognise that more able pupils need access to challenge, depth and enriched experiences during their time at school. 

Although there is no set definition of the terms ‘more able’ and ‘talented’, these are terms used in schools to describe children who have developed one or more ability significantly beyond what is expected for their age (or have the potential to do so).  More able refers to a child who has abilities in one or more academic subjects and talented refers to a child who has skills in a practical or creative area such as music, sport or art.

Please look at NACE Essentials guide for parents and carers to find out how you can support your child at home.


More able and talented pupils can be identified at any age or stage of their time with us.  Children develop at different rates, as they progress through school.  Class teachers, extra-curricular leaders, specialist teachers, club leaders (including outside school), parents and pupils themselves may identify areas of strength and therefore identify pupils who are more able or talented. 

General characteristics of more able and talented learners

A pupil may be:

  • A good reader
  • Be very articulate or verbally fluent for their age
  • Give quick verbal responses
  • Learn quickly
  • Be interested in different topics
  • Communicate well with adults
  • Have a wide range of interests
  • Show unusual and original responses to problem-solving activities
  • Prefer verbal to written activities
  • Be logical
  • Be self-taught in his/her own interest areas
  • Have an ability to work things out very quickly
  • Have a good memory
  • Be artistic
  • Be musical
  • Excel at sport
  • Have strong views and opinions
  • Have a lively and original imagination/sense of humour
  • Be very sensitive and aware
  • Be socially adept
  • Show a strong sense of leadership

Support for more able and talented pupils

Woodside Junior School is committed to promoting achievement and encouraging all children to strive for excellence, developing their talents and abilities to the full.  Our approach is inclusive, recognising each child’s right to a broad and balanced curriculum.  We believe that the role of the school is to provide a wide range of challenging learning opportunities that will enable each individual, including those with exceptional abilities, to thrive.  We aim to nurture, develop and stretch pupils’ talents and interests.

We aim to tailor teaching and learning to individual need, interest and aptitude to ensure that every pupil achieves and reaches the highest standards possible, notwithstanding their background or circumstances. For our more able and talented learners this includes:

  • Effective assessment for learning, so teaching takes account of children's prior learning
  • Learning activities in the classroom which offer additional challenge
  • Opportunities for independent learning
  • Learning, where appropriate, that support problem-solving and application of knowledge and skills 
  • Opportunities to showcase children's talents thorough participation in curriculum enrichment activities