Working Together with Parents and Carers
Woodside Junior School is a welcoming and friendly school. We work together as a team in providing the best possible learning experiences for our pupils. We place great importance upon the role of parents and carers. We recognise that they are our children's’ first educators and as such, share with us a wealth of knowledge and experience.
Our staff is committed to developing and maintaining positive relationships with parents and carers. There are numerous ongoing opportunities to support this development through:
- Regular communication with class teachers via the Class Dojo
- Class teachers are available to parents at the end of the school day
- Regular parent/ teacher consultations
- Weekly Newsletters
- Regular e-mails, which act as reminders
- Headteacher's 'Open Friday' - no appointment necessary between 09:00 and 12:00
- School assemblies, sports day and school productions as well as concerts
- Parental workshops
- School fairs
- PTA events
- Parental volunteers
Parents and carers can find out more about our curriculum (Key Stage 2) and our learning intent, implementation and impact on our Learning pages.
Please click here to view the parent/carer survey conducted in July 2023.